Meet Your Life Coach,
Eric Jivraj

Newsletter: The Self-Growth Sundays
Every week I share actionable insights to build a happy, healthy and fulfilled life

    I was lost, confused, unsure and very uncertain...

    I was born and raised in Portugal my whole life, and at the age of 18 I took a gap year between college and university because I was lost, confused, unsure and very uncertain of what the future would hold for me, I didn't know what to do and if I would even succeed at anything, I didn't have things figured out and I was somewhat scared of where things would lead me.

    I used my gap year (2015) to do volunteering programmes, professional internships and take my driver's license. I then decided to move to the UK to study Computer Science at University in 2016. I worked 8 part-time jobs throughout my 4 year degree, I worked every single Friday, Saturday and Sunday long hour shifts and sometimes a few shifts here and there during the rest of the week days. I worked through every Winter, Spring and Summer break.

    I did all of this because I had to in order to sustain myself and be able to help my family back home. I experienced pain, struggle, uncertainty and it took me blood, sweat and tears to graduate in 2020, one of the toughest years any student could ever wish to face upon graduation. I then started working as a software engineer and embraced the corporate world straight away.

    It allowed me to express myself and my thoughts...

    As soon as I finished university I immediately started planning the launch of my podcast, something that had been on my mind for a long time, and so I did it, I launched the What's Up & What's Next? Podcast to be able to Educate, Entertain, and Inspire people from all over the world through content.

    The podcast means the world to me as it allowed me to express myself and my thoughts on podcasting platforms as well as being able to sit down with CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, influencers, content creators, athletes, artists and some of the most incredible people out there in the world with so much knowledge, experience and wisdom to share with the world.

    I had hit my lowest mentally and physically...

    Towards the end of 2020, I had hit my lowest mentally and physically, I wasn't eating right and I had stopped working out, I had gained weight and just didn't feel healthy or fit at all, it wasn't a great place to be, and I saw the Gymshark66 challenge was going to happen starting from January 1st of 2021 and I took it as a sign from God to enter the challenge and improve my overall well-being and fitness.

    I shot a whole documentary of the 66 day journey of the Gymshark66 challenge and by the end of the challenge, not only had I produced a documentary highlighting my journey, I felt better physically, mentally and emotionally, and I fell in love with fitness and well-being shortly after.

    I had reached a point where my heart was telling me...

    Towards the end of 2021, I felt the need to explore different ways to motivate and inspire people. This is something that has always been within my heart to do, since a very young age I had always looked at creative outlets to express my thoughts and feelings in order to motivate and inspire people.

    I used to write a lot when I was young, and then I created the podcast in 2020 with the same goal. And before the end of 2021 I had reached a point where my heart was telling me to find yet another outlet in which I could express my wisdom in hopes of inspiring at least 1 person.

    This led me to creating my TikTok and starting my content creator journey which has now got nearly ~30k thousand followers with a total of millions of views combined across all my videos on the platform. I was creating motivational and inspirational videos that were connecting with people on a deeper level. I couldn't believe how well everyone was reacting to my content, it felt unreal.

    I had realised what my purpose in life was...

    At the beginning of 2022, I had realised what my purpose in life was, my purpose was to serve others. I just wanted to make people feel better, do better and be better and if I managed to do that I knew I would have done most of what I set out to do with my life. So now that I knew my purpose, I needed to further develop my passion.

    I explored in depth what my true passions in life were and that led me to life coaching, which is my truest passion in life. I decided to enrol in to the Jay Shetty Certification School to become a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach. I then graduated and became a Life Coach.

    In my entire lifetime I went through a difficult journey where I experienced so many different emotions, feelings, struggles and obstacles and I embraced my personal development journey all these years, and discovered not only more about myself, but more about the world.

    Today I have combined my own life experiences, knowledge and wisdom with my learnings from the Jay Shetty Certification School where I learned from Jay Shetty and some of the best supervising coaches in the industry in order to create a coaching approach that can enlighten, empower and elevate you to achieve everything you want in life and more!

    Let's work together to take your life to the most beautiful chapters that you've always dreamed of.